MonsterMegs, often offers promotions, coupons, and special offers to customers during their initial term. Please note that special offers are limited-time promotional prices available to new customers and are valid for the initial term only and not for recurring or renewal periods unless specified.
Promotional rates apply to Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Wordpress Hosting, Semi-Dedicated Hosting plans and will automatically renew after the initial term at the regular rate found in your control panel. Note: If you register a free domain through us and wish to cancel your account within the money-back guarantee period, there is a fee to retain your domain.
Special offers cannot be applied to upgrades, renewals, and cannot be used to replace an existing account.
You expressly acknowledge, agree, and authorize us to automatically bill the applicable fee and charge your credit card or other payment methods on file for each renewal term, unless you cancel the services before such charge.